ZoobeGlobal is Pakistan's first e-commerce platform that provides an avenue for Pakistan-based manufacturers and retailers to sell their products in the global market. And acts as a bridge to bridge the gap between seller and buyer.

If one avails its services, shall abide by its terms and conditions, terms and conditions which are mandatory for its user to validate its privacy policy. ZoobeGlobal collects basic information for the quality delivery of the service as well as for better optimization of the service in the future. Customer privacy is our top priority to keep our valued customers safe and secure. ZoobeGlobal operates a complaint redressal cell which redresses the complaint as soon as possible and keeps it confidential.

The Privacy Policy applies when users use ZoobeGlobal services. one must have to provide the following in order to provide the services i.e Name, Address, Identity Card Number, NTN Number, Phone Number, Email Address, Mailing Address etc.

This privacy policy applies to information collected by customers. The services you are receiving through the account or consignment number provided by ZoobeGlobal.

ZoobeGlobal uses information from consumer for the following purposes:
  1. After receiving the consignment number, ZoobeGlobal can send a confirmation message to its consumer and if required may also call.
  2. ZoobeGlobal representative can contact their customers to provide the best fastest services.
  3. The Customer can be contacted in case of any complaint regarding the provision of services.
  4. ZoobeGlobal may notify its customers of any promotions or new services.

The ZoobeGlobal needs basic information i.e ZoobeGlobal, Mobile No, Address, and so on for delivery of best services, aforesaid data necessary for registration and utilization of ZoobeGlobal service.

ZoobeGlobal will not disclose collected information to any third party except the concerned authorities which is authorized under the law.

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time in order to reform and amend the rule of business which would covier the ultra-modern needs.

The ZoobeGlobal privacy policy can be vary from place to place on the instruction of administrative order if so required.

In the Cyber World, No one can Protect electronic data, therefore the ZoobeGlobal is not responsible for loss data, theft of data, abuse of Data.

The ZoobeGlobal encourages all the wise suggestion which is raised out by any person. One can contact us if one's have any queries regarding privacy policy.